For the students of “General medicine” with English language of study the Library of KSMA have new books:
1. Guyton, Arthur C.Textbook of medical physiology [Текст] : учебное пособие / Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall . - 13th ed. - Canada : Elsevier, 2016. 1145 p.
2. Review of ophthalmology [Текст] : учебник / A. K. Khurana. - 7th ed. - New Delhi : JAYPEE BROTHERS MEDICAL RUBLISHERS, 2019. - 216 p
3. Essentials of medical pharmacology [Текст] : учебное пособие / ed. M. Tripathi. - 8th ed. - New Delhi : JAYPEE BROTHERS MEDICAL RUBLISHERS, 2019. - 1064